July 2021
Excavation for wastewater line
The installation of a new main wastewater line is underway! We're relocating this publicly-owned pipe so we can curve our Main Promenade from the center of the site to the northwest corner. This allows us to connect our walkable promenade to the retail and restaurant hub by the light rail station.

Steel column install
The walls for Cocina Chiwas are rising. You can see the frame of the first steel columns going into the foundation of the building. The rest of the building will be built on these structural columns.

Laying masonry at Cocina Chiwas
We started laying the masonry blocks of Cocina Chiwas today. These durable blocks will give our restaurant a natural feel. You'll notice we're laying two types: a rugged grey block and a speckled yellow-brown block. Variety is the spice of life!